Team players, trailblazers, and time chasers. adidas athletes may come from every walk of life, excel at completely different sports, and measure their successes by unique personal and professional metrics…but they are all united in mindset……. A winning one.
Using the athlete’s personal experiences, adidas wanted to show the power of a strong mind when the body says no, and the possibility in pushing beyond. Francheska Martinez is a functional fitness and movement coach, specialising in ANIMAL FLOW, Pain-Free Performance.
adidas wanted to highlight key personality traits from their partners, unlock what gave them purpose, and use it to educate and inspire their community to go above and beyond.
Francheska was filmed and photographed on location in her home city of Austin, Texas.
Director - Phil Barber
DOP - Tom Box
Producer - Kim Wolffensperger
Sound - Phil Barber
Photographer - Oliver Jameson
Editor - Denmarc Creary