‘Coming of Age’ is full of hopeful themes like growing and moving forward with your life – which all culminates into a breezy alternative track as the chorus calls out that there’s “still so much to say”.
This song is about overcoming fear and anxiety, and getting to place where you realise you aren’t as lost or alone as you once thought. It’s about realising you have your whole life ahead of you, so much left to say and now is the time to say it. It’s about embracing change and casting away doubts. This song encapsulates the main theme of the record which is gaining perspective, growing, and moving forwards.
Louis Sadler, Jake Ribton, Henry Beaumont,
Jake Wrigglesworth, Ewan, Lachlan Banner
CLUE Records
EMI North
Director - Sarah Oglesby
Creative Direction - Sarah Oglesby
DOP - Tom Box
1st AC - Denmarc Creary
Editor - Oliver Jameson
Colourist - Oliver Jameson
Producer - Sadie O’Donoghue